Saturday, December 7, 2013

Finally got my cover song list updated today!  Check it out...
Howdy world... Yep I'm still alive :)  I continue to be quite busy working for a living... Thank goodness for my Wednesdays at PIH... In late-October I enjoyed playing several hours of country western tunes for the annual recognition event at PIH for the neonatal reunion.  What a cool tradition to see the doctors and nurses gather to honor the little folks that they helped survive a difficult birth!

My music therapy work at PIH is very rewarding!  I look forward to continuing my volunteer service until the cows come home :) 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ah... Feels good to be writing and recording again.  Been busy working for a living with not a whole lot of time for music except my on-going music therapy gig at PIH.  The birth of my new grand-daughter gave me the kick-the-ass I needed :)

Here's a link to a new song I pulled together yesterday to help welcome lil' Charlie to our world...